December 25, 2011

Merry Christmas

Christmas Eve was wonderful with a delicious meal and a lot of presents. The day started out with three hazelnuts for Cinderella, I watch it every year, and it is what gives me Christmas spirit. 

We had porridge, reindeer steak, flan, fruit and nuts, and at last we had cake and Christmas cookies. I was so full I had to lay down. I am so thankful for being so privileged, it is important to remind yourself to be thankful. 

I also got some great presents; from my sister and her husband, grandma and grandpa and my auntie and uncle, I got beer glasses and champagne glasses from Ritzenhoff. 

Beer glasses

Now I have ten beer glasses and five champagne glasses. Also I got some make-up, gift cards and money. I do not really care that much about the presents though. The most fun part is giving away great presents, but this year I did not do that as good either. I am more fond of personal gifts with meaning, instead of just something materialistic. 

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